Thursday, 6 June 2019

Some live saving facts about day to day activity in documentum environment

Below are some facts which I personally think very useful. Hope you guys finds the same.

Fact -1 

You want to change the content of a document to test something very quickly. Many times for some unknown reason UCF error is one of the hurdle in your way, so in such scenario using below API you can do it very easily-

retrieve,c,dm_sysobject where object_name='test.xml'
Testing the xml content

Fact - 2

Quick way of Cleaning up dmi_queue_item table - garbage entries of full text users.

dmi_queue_item is one of the table which is responsible for performance of your system functionalities like workflows.
Many time, I noticed we have entries of full text index users which does not make sense, may be because of upgrade or failed index requests or removal of index agents.

To clean up, you can follow the below steps -
1. Shutdown your repository services.2. take back up of the table by using below command -

exp USERID=<schema_user>@<schema_name> FILE=<schema_user>_dmi_queue_item_s.DMP LOG=<schema_user>_dmi_queue_item_s.LOG full=n TABLES=dmi_queue_item_s consistent=y compress=y statistics=none BUFFER=2000000 RECORDLENGTH=64000

3. Execute below queries
CREATE TABLE dmi_queue_item_s_backup AS (SELECT * FROM dmi_queue_item_s where name !='dm_fulltext_index_user');
truncate TABLE dmi_queue_item_s;
insert into dmi_queue_item_s select * from dmi_queue_item_s_bkp;
drop table dmi_queue_item_s_backup;

PURGE recyclebin;

You can manage user events according to your need.

4. Restart your repository services.

FACT - 3

For version mismatch error during workflow activities -
I found setting up below parameters resolved most of the issues


To be continued ...

Quick start for npm under proxy [POC/Learning purpose only]

NPM (Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js. Setting up NPM for downloading packages, one common issue is working behind the corporate proxy. 

Below is a workable solution - 

Fire up your command line and type in the following:

npm config set proxy http://<proxy_user_id>:<password>@<proxy_url>:<proxy_port>

npm config set https-proxy https://<proxy_user_id>:<password>@<proxy_url>:

Note: For https_proxy url starts with https.

If you get error like "SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number" then you have problem with the entry you made above for https_proxy.
  • If SSl not configured properly then try not to use https_proxy command above.

There is one file which maintains all entries related to npm - C:\Users\<account_id>\.npmrc See if you have proper entries inside of that. You can make the changes there as well.

Performance degradation after upgrading Oracle database from 11g to 12c for documentum applications

I faced major performance issues when I upgrade database environment for one of the system from 11g to12c ( Front end application is Document D2.

Here is my analysis -

In Oracle 12.1 the adaptive optimizer features are controlled by the OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_FEATURES parameter, which was set to TRUE by default.

This is introduced to better estimate statistics and optimize plans. In some system,  this lead to the performance issues.


I found the below tuning works for my environment

Use the following system setting to disable Adaptive Query Optimization:

Also there are some tables which still contains statistics, so have to flush them out as well to get the better result. Contact your DBA team with these details.

Make life easier — Git automation with single command file

Make life easier — Git automation with single command file Posted on medium #makelifeeasier series - Automation of git related activity...