Friday, 9 February 2018

Documentum D2 DQL Queries

In day to day life I think you will find below queries very helpful. Do not forget to like or post comment :-)

Execute D2 Core Method – for folder and security recalculation

execute do_method with method='D2CoreMethod', arguments='-docbase_name $DOCBASENAME -user $DOCBASEUSERID -dql_filter "select r_object_id from dm_sysobject(all) where r_modify_date BETWEEN DATE(''10/31/2011 11:30:00'',''mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss'') AND DATE(NOW)" -naming false -autolink true -security true -apply_for_vd false -create false -transaction false'

Run D2UpdateChildACLMethod as per security config

EXECUTE do_method WITH method = 'D2UpdateChildACLMethod', arguments = '-user_name username -docbase_name docbasename -acl_config_name doc_approved_acl¬doc_draft_acl

DQL to get workflow history of document in D2 application (provide documents i_chronicle_id in red color section)
select a.r_object_id,a.audited_obj_id,a.event_name as event_name,a.object_name AS workflow_name ,doc.object_name AS document_name,ra.child_label AS document_version,a.owner_name As supervisor_name,w.tracker_state as task_state, w.start_date as date_sent,a.user_name AS task_performer,a.time_stamp AS task_completion_time,a.string_2 AS outcome,a.event_source AS event_source, a.string_3 AS delegation_from,a.string_4 AS delegation_to from dm_audittrail a ,d2c_workflow_tracker w , dm_relation ra, dm_sysobject doc where a.audited_obj_id in( select w.r_object_id from d2c_workflow_tracker w where r_object_id in (select distinct w.r_object_id from dm_relation r,d2c_workflow_tracker w where r.relation_name = 'D2_WF_TRACKER_DOCUMENT' and r.child_id = '$object$(i_chronicle_id)' and r.parent_id = w.r_object_id)) and a.audited_obj_id=w.r_object_id and ra.parent_id = w.r_object_id and a.audited_obj_id=ra.parent_id and ((a.event_name='d2_workflow_sent_task' and a.user_name not in ( select user_name from dm_audittrail b where b.event_name in ('d2_workflow_rejected_task','d2_workflow_forwarded_task','d2_delegation_delegated_task','d2_workflow_delegated_task') and b.audited_obj_id=a.audited_obj_id)) or (a.event_name in ('d2_workflow_rejected_task','d2_workflow_forwarded_task') and a.string_2 is not nullstring) or (a.event_name in ('d2_delegation_delegated_task','d2_workflow_delegated_task'))) and doc.i_chronicle_id=ra.child_id and ra.child_label NOT In ('CURRENT',' ')  order by 1 desc

Full Text Index Queue Summary

select min(date_sent) as minimum from dmi_queue_item where delete_flag = 0 and (task_state is NULL or task_state = ' ') and name IN (select queue_user from dm_ftindex_agent_config)
select count(*) as number from dmi_queue_item where delete_flag = 0 and task_state = 'warning' and name IN (select queue_user from dm_ftindex_agent_config)
select count(*) as number from dmi_queue_item where delete_flag = 0 and task_state in ('error','failed') and name IN (select queue_user from dm_ftindex_agent_config)
select count(*) as number from dmi_queue_item where delete_flag = 0 and (task_state is NULL or task_state = ' ') and name IN (select queue_user from dm_ftindex_agent_config)

Halted Workflows

select pr.object_name as process, wf.object_name as workflow, wf.supervisor_name,, wi.r_creation_date from dm_process pr, dm_workflow wf, dmi_workitem wi, dmi_queue_item qi where wf.r_runtime_state = 3 and pr.r_object_id = wf.process_id and wi.r_workflow_id = wf.r_object_id and qi.r_object_id = wi.r_queue_item_id and qi.delete_flag = 0 order by 1, 2

User Workflows

select pr.object_name as process, wf.object_name as workflow,, wf.r_runtime_state, wi.r_creation_date from dm_process pr, dm_workflow wf, dmi_workitem wi, dmi_queue_item qi where pr.r_object_id = wf.process_id and wi.r_workflow_id = wf.r_object_id and qi.r_object_id = wi.r_queue_item_id and qi.delete_flag = 0 AND wf.supervisor_name = USER order by 1, 2

Job Details

select r_object_id, object_name, title, subject, method_name, pass_standard_arguments, start_date, expiration_date, max_iterations, run_interval, run_mode, is_inactive, target_server, method_trace_level, a_continuation_interval, a_current_status, a_iterations, a_last_invocation, a_next_invocation, method_arguments from dm_job order by title, object_name

Number of Workflows by Supervisor

select wf.supervisor_name, count(*) as number from dm_workflow wf where wf.r_runtime_state != 2 and wf.r_runtime_state != 4 group by supervisor_name order by supervisor_name

DQL – Check if index exists or successfully created

SELECT r_object_id,index_type,attribute,attr_count,data_space from dmi_index where index_type in (select r_object_id from dm_type where name=’dmi_workitem’)

DQL/API – Create Index

DQL:  Sample 1:
  EXECUTE make_index WITH type_name='dm_audittrail', attribute='chronicle_id',index_name='chronicle_id_index', use_id_col=true;
  Sample 2:
  EXECUTE make_index WITH type_name=’dm_sysobject’,attribute=’i_is_deleted’,index_name=’DM_SYSOBJECT_S_NI1?,index_space=’TEST_INDEX’,use_id_col=true,“UNIQUE”=true


DQL/API – Drop Index

DQL:  Syntax:
   EXECUTE drop_index [[FOR] dmi_index_id] [WITH name = index_name]
   EXECUTE drop_index WITH name=’chronicle_id_index′ 
API:  Syntax:
   apply,session,dmi_index_id,DROP_INDEX [,NAME,S,index_name]

Use of ESCAPE character

SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_document WHERE object_name LIKE '%\_%' ESCAPE '\'         [Note:Your LIKE predicate would look like this:
LIKE ’\%\_\\’ ESCAPE ’\’   escape character can escape itself]

Virtual Document / Assembly objects / D2C Snapshots

# get the associated assembly id from the virtual document root object
select distinct book_id from dm_assembly where parent_id='090eruhterh380586f30' ;

# get all the component under assembly object/d2csnapshot object using assembly id
select r_object_id,object_name,a_status,r_version_label,i_latest_flag from dm_document(all) where r_object_id in (select r_object_id from dm_sysobject(all) in assembly id('0800fdhdhd80586f34') descend);

# get D2CSnapshot objects for an virtual document using i_chronicle_id
select r_object_id,upper(object_name),object_name,r_object_type,a_content_type,r_is_virtual_doc,r_link_cnt,r_lock_owner,r_policy_id,r_assembled_from_id,r_immutable_flag,r_frozen_flag ,r_creation_date,title from d2c_snapshot where r_assembled_from_id in (select r_object_id from dm_sysobject(all) where i_chronicle_id = '0900gsgsts04fd9db') order by r_object_id;

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