Wednesday, 25 September 2019

AWS region selection help URL


I found one URL which is very helpful choosing the region while creating any new service. If you are not sure try it -

Navigate to the below link

Click on HTTP Ping

You should see the latency details and based on that you can choose the region -

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Issue 01- No valid crumb was included in the request while configuring git with Jenkins


Received Error -
No valid crumb was included in the request while setting git url from github in Jenkins Job configuration

Solution -

Enable the below checkbox and the error will be gone.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Angular getting started - part 1

Angular Getting Started
Prerequisites – Knowledge of Typescript, Basic HTML and CSS

Installation in windows
  Prerequisites:  Node.js and NPM
Make sure you have node and npm installed. Below commands should return response
·         node -v
·         npm -v

Command to install angular

                npm install -g @angular/cli

Note: if you under corporate proxy you might have to configure proxy to npm work properly

Verify successful installation and check version

                ng –version

To create project

                ng new <project_name>
                example: ng create my-first-angular-project       

To launch Angular application

ng serve
                To launch to different port than default
                ng serve –port 8080

Note: First time ng serve gave me error like ' The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found'

Solution: I was not inside the project folder so move inside the project folder and run the command again and It works. (Funny 😊).

Webpack –

                                Angular uses webpack build automation tool. The technique is also known as - HMR - HOT Module replacement / Hot module reloading. It means you do not need to restart the application for any changes in the component.

Create a component using angular cli

ng g c <componentName>
ng g c courses

To Create component inside of another component

ng g c Courses/course-details --skipTests
Note- skipTests can be used if you don’t want to generate test file for the component

Create a service using angular cli

ng g s [serviceName]


GIT Command reference

Below is list of git commands for quick reference

Initialize git with new Folder

git init [ProjectFolder] 
example - git init sample-git-demo

Initialize git with existing Folder
Navigate to existing folder and execute git init

Display modified files in the working directory vs Git's staging area.
git status

Add new or newly modified filename to Git's staging area
git add [filename]
To add recursively all new and newly modified files.
git add .

Commits all files in Git's staging area
git commit -m "First Commit to git"

Below command to directly commit newly modified already committed files
git commit -am "Second Commit to git"

Reset File from Git's staging area
git reset HEAD [filename]

Checkout last committed version from Git
git checkout -- [filename]

Display Git log history
git log

Creating a remote repository reference
git remote add origin [full URL for the remote repository]

List Git's Remote repos
git remote -v

Send Changes to Remote - The -u parameter is needed the first time
git push -u [RemoteName] [BranchName]
git push [RemoteName] [BranchName]

Receive Changes from Remote

git push [RemoteName] [BranchName]

About WebRTC

I was/am highly impressed by WebRTC so started exploring different things related to it.

To start with the basic definition of WebRTC -
WebRTC (Real Time Communication) is a free, open project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. It has inbuilt security and encryption functionality which is making it more valuable.

Use cases are -
  • Video Chat
  • Screen Sharing
  • File Sharing

Emerging Use Cases are
  • IOT
  • Healthcare
  • Real time Team Collaboration

There are some brilliant sites available, describing the capabilities and usage of WebRTC and for understanding the basic -

One stunning demonstration is in the link below. Open it in Chrome.

Make life easier — Git automation with single command file

Make life easier — Git automation with single command file Posted on medium #makelifeeasier series - Automation of git related activity...