Friday, 9 February 2018

[DM_CRYPTO_F_KEYSTORE_INIT]fatal: "Failed to initialize keystore" - during repository start

One fine day, I found that documentum repository was down and I am not able to access it anymore. I tried to start the services but found below error in repository log:

Error description in repository log:

[DM_CRYPTO_F_KEYSTORE_INIT]fatal:  "Failed to initialize keystore


In LINUX environment, below shell script can be utilized :


# Take the backup of the $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure folder
cp -r $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure_bkp
if [ -f $DM_HOME/bin/dm_crypto_manage_lockbox ]; then
  cd $DM_HOME/bin/
  chmod +x dm_crypto_manage_lockbox
  dm_crypto_manage_lockbox -lockbox <lockbox name .lb> -lockboxpassphrase -resetfingerprint
  dm_crypto_boot -all -passphrase
    echo "$DM_HOME/bin/dm_crypto_manage_lockbox does not exist.. so issue can not be resolved"
    exit 1
Note:In content server $DM_HOME/bin/dm_crypto_manage_lockbox should be already present for other version you need to place it manually.

# Execute like  : ./

On other environment you can execute below commands :

dm_crypto_manage_lockbox -lockbox <lockbox name .lb> -lockboxpassphrase -resetfingerprintdm_crypto_boot -all -passphrase


  1. This occurred on Documentum Server 16.4 after installing D2 16.4 on the same server. Resolved the issue on my system by launching the Windows application Documentum Server Administrator and re-entering the Keystore Password.

    1. Hi,
      Good to hear that you resolve the issue.

    2. If you want to you can add the full steps to resolve the problem


Make life easier — Git automation with single command file

Make life easier — Git automation with single command file Posted on medium #makelifeeasier series - Automation of git related activity...